We’re recruiting!

We are deep in the process of recruitment again, and thought we’d take a moment to talk about what we’re looking for.

At the moment we’re recruiting for:

  • Project Managers – to add to our team in the Project Management area, as we’re about to start some big new projects in the new financial year – we’ve been looking through our recruiters, but stay tuned for an ad coming soon too,
  • Software Engineers – we have already advertised and are in the interview stage for our Senior Developer role, but we are also about to start looking for more Software Engineers to join our team for the large projects mentioned above,
  • Business Analysts – we are still receiving applications from our recent Business Analyst job advertisement, to again bring on some more people to help with projects, and
  • DevOps – we are about to also start recruiting for new DevOps team members, to help with the every-growing work managing our cloud infrastructure implementations.  Another job ad will be out soon for this as well.

If any of these interest you then either hit up the linked job ad above, or drop us a line at jobs@archive.gaiaresources.com.au and send us a CV and some information on what you’re interested in, and why.

While we have been busy reaching out to our networks and to our recruiters to find good candidates for these positions, as well as the adverts already out or coming out shortly, we thought we might also talk a bit about what a job here looks like, too – the things you can’t quite put in the job ad.

  • People first – one of our core values is about supporting our people, and making sure that we think of the person as well as the role that you play.  We have a whole raft of ways that we support our teams, including our Cultural Champions and a range of training and support around “soft skills” (like we mentioned back in May, last year, and again just recently).
  • Flexibility – we pride ourselves on our flexibility around working arrangements, and most of our team work from home for part of the week at least – some people prefer entirely remote roles, and others prefer to come into an office space, but the choice is yours.  We also get you the things you need to make work happen – our “I Need Stuff” email address has had some hilarious requests over the years 😀
  • Autonomy with accountability – we allow people to manage their own time to achieve the outcomes that are necessary for their work. To that end you will also have Work Leads to help support you and to help you find that balance, and a team of people that look at workloads and solve any challenges there each week.
  • Get good – our functional guilds are full of like minded people who work in the same disciplines, and our Functional leads are the ones that help you to get better at what it is that you do – along with all the other members of your cohort.  From coworking time to knowledge sharing to just plain ol’ lunch together – there are plenty of ways to build your skillsets.

We take our work seriously but we don’t take ourselves too seriously – after all life needs to have some balance and we need to find ways that we can all work together and have a bit of fun along the way.  So from things like the more formal “welcome lunches” we are having in the next few weeks, to the much less formal Friday drinks, gaming sessions, jam sessions and other shenanigans all add some colour and personality to the place – and makes a nice break from our remote lives these days.

As we mentioned, we’re looking for people that want to join our team and so if any of the positions above specifically interest you, or you would like to chuck your hat in the ring, then feel free to email us at jobs@archive.gaiaresources.com.au and tell us about yourself!


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