Gaia Resources undertook a proof-of-concept project with the Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security to transcribe a number of scanned hardcopy field data sheets using our Clio Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool. Clio is a web based system built around the Amazon Web Services Textract product, and it enables uploading, reviewing and correcting of scanned forms like field data sheets through the web interface.
A number of these scanned forms were run through Clio in two runs – the first run saw the system return a lower accuracy of 73%, but after working through the forms and tuning the models in the AI system, we were able to get it to between 93% and 99% in the second run.
This approach of using a targeted and specific AI tool helped the Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security to capture information from field sheets in a much faster, less error-prone method than the current manual system that they previously employed.
You can read more about the project on our blog.
Artificial Intelligence / Biodiversity / Data management / Data Science / Environment / Web development