Gaia Resources supported the Queensland State Archives as they prepared for the Frontier Wars documentary and exhibit, by using our Clio Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool to transcribe handwritten letters. Clio is a web based system built around the Amazon Web Services Textract product, and it enables uploading, reviewing and correcting of scanned forms like field data sheets through the web interface.
Through this proof of concept project, a range of handwritten documents were run through Clio and through a range of checks and balances, the results of the AI transcription far exceeded the expectations that were set by QSA, with around 80% of the transcriptions being above average or better.
The resultant transcriptions were then passed on to the Queensland State Archives team, where they were able to integrate the results into their existing crowd-sourcing program to further check and review the results. This reduced the time it took to transcribe the archives, and made it possible to include more materials in the launch of the Frontier Wars material.
You can read more about this project in our blog.
Archives / Artificial Intelligence / Data management / Data Science / Web development