In 2017 Gaia Resources was awarded a small grant as part of the TWiG (Testing Within Government) program within the Advance Queensland initiative. This allowed us to collaborate with the Queensland State Archives to develop a platform for visualising collection items and providing a way to explore the collections using spatial and content relationships.
After the program concluded there were a number of iterations, design improvements, and customer testing rounds which led to the development of Q-Album, which went live with a soft launch in late 2019. Q-Album hosts over 500 historic collection items from the collection, and has now been opened to community groups across Queensland to contribute their historic items to build a community resource. The platform includes comparisons between historic photos and modern street views; digitised archival materials; publishing workflows between community groups and QSA; mapping tools; tag-based taxonomies of content; organisational profiles; and cross-referencing to TROVE and other historic data sources.
Archives / Collections / Drupal / Web development