In late 2019, Gaia Resources answered a call from the Volunteer Bush Fire Brigades WA, who were seeking a partner to help develop a proof of concept mobile app and web site that would support the volunteers fighting bushfires around WA. Then, in early 2020, funding became available to develop a much more fully-featured product, resulting in the Essential Service Volunteers (ESV) app.
This allows for users to automatically track the duration, location and type of work volunteers undertake, an ID card service to show they’re an approved member of a legitimate volunteer essential service and be provided discounts. It also allowed support for the Brigade Captains and Local Government officers to obtain statistics around the volunteering efforts of their Brigade.
In the midst of this build was the spread of CoVid-19. This new situation, with all of Gaia Resources staff working from home did not impact the delivery and the App was delivered as required.
The mobile app was written for both the Android and iOS operating systems; with infrastructure mounted in Amazon Web Services (AWS). A Django backend was created to house the submitted data and a web frontend to allow senior Brigade staff to add, retrieve and edit data as required. You can read more about our partnership with AWS in this case study.
Data management / Mobile / Software Engineering / Spatial / Support