Gaia Resources were initially engaged by BHPIO in 2008 to provide a field collection solution, and again in 2012 to review and redevelop a comprehensive Biodiversity Survey Spatial Data Standard.
A phased approach was used which started small with the hiring of single TDS Nomad PDAs with ESRI ArcPad to test the technology. When this trial proved to be successful BHP purchased three Nomad units and requested the creation of a Weeds Data Standard and custom data collection forms for ArcPad. User training was also delivered onsite to the BHP environmental staff at Newman.
The purpose of the Biodiversity Survey Spatial Data Standard update was to refine the existing standard template design and the various processes required to add, manage and store data, and ultimately to deliver data to end users. The objective to reduce the likelihood of erroneous data capture when consultants are recording biological survey information was met with a streamlined process required to incorporate the data into the business’s central GIS data repository. The resulting Standard ensures accurate capture, easy validation, quick loading and easy display on corporate systems.
Business Analysis / Data management / Spatial