We’re hiring!

We’re in the middle of a very busy time for Gaia Resources, and we’re looking to hire a number of new people to help us with the volume of work and to contribute to the future of the company.

We’d like people who match our business and team ethos; namely that we’re looking to make a (positive!) difference to the environment and you’re willing to learn and extend yourself to deliver quality solutions for our clients.  We offer professional development and other programs to assist you in this aspect – with that said, we are looking for people who are formally qualified in the software engineering or related field.

So who are we looking for?  People with experience in one or more of these technologies:

  • Mobile development (both Android and iOS),
  • Django, and
  • PHP.

We’re prepared to take on multiple people, so if you have one of the areas under your belt, then please apply!  If you have any experience in our main client areas – the environmental field(s), or the collections field (e.g. herbaria, museums and archives) as well as one or more of the skills above that would be greatly advantageous to your application.

We’re looking to take people on for these roles in a full-time capacity, likely starting with a contract that runs for 6-12 months with the possibility of transitioning to a permanent position.  Salary ranges are going to be in the region of $80k-$100k, depending on your experience.

We’d like to hear from you in the next few weeks – send a response in to us as soon as possible, and definitely before Monday, the 4th of April, 2016.

Get your resume polished off, write a covering letter outlining how you fit into the mix above, and send it to us at jobs@archive.gaiaresources.com.au – or give me a call in the office on (08) 9227 7309 to discuss any aspect of the positions we outline above.


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