In late 2014, CSIRO engaged Gaia Resources to assist in the evaluation of collection management systems for the National Research Collections of Australia. The team from Gaia Resources were involved in the evaluation of several different collections systems, with CollectiveAccess coming out as the front running package for further evaluation.
This project involved a range of services from Gaia Resources, including assisting the CSIRO Information Management & Technology team in the deployment of several solutions, and then the assessment of the package. Several stakeholder workshops were run, and this also included a detailed workshop on site at the Western Australian Museum (based on our ongoing work with that organisation) to review the way in which CollectiveAccess has been deployed in that organisation.
A comprehensive business case was developed as a result of this project, and CSIRO went on to undertake a pilot of the CollectiveAccess software within the Australian National Insect Collection, with Gaia Resources having further involvement in this project.
Business Analysis / Collections / Software Engineering / Support