New QGIS version 2.14

QGIS 2.14 (Essen) was released yesterday, with a stack of new features in this release (see the full changelog here), but a couple look especially interesting:

  • WMS caching – WMS layers are now cached within QGIS by default
  • Virtual layers – QGIS can now run SQL queries dynamically on any type of layer
  • Support for more GDAL/OGR file extensions – Who doesn’t like more supported formats?


QGIS 2.14 is also special in that it is a long term release (LTR), the first since 2.8 in February 2015. LTRs are ideal for corporate users or anyone that prefers to update less frequently as they are guaranteed to be supported with bug fixes for one year from release.

As this is a long term release we are planning on updating our Environmental QGIS Training course to support this release. We have had strong current interest in the course over the last month, so we are expecting to run a public course in April featuring the new 2.14 release (look out for details).  If you are interested, drop us a line at!

If you haven’t already tried QGIS then we’d recommend that you go and download the 2.14 release from the QGIS website here.


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