Dieback Conference 2020

On Friday 11th September 2020 Piers and I attended the Dieback Information Group Conference and South Coast NRM Dieback Information Forum, where speakers presented a range of forward-thinking planning and management options for the control of Phytophthora Dieback disease and other pathogenic key threatening processes. The conference itself, organised by the Dieback Working Group and the South Coast NRM, was very informative, with engaging discussions and a range of hands-on demonstrations.

This years theme was Phytophthora Dieback – Tools for the Future, covering a range of contemporary topics such as recent developments in research and technology, and insights on industry engagement and land management. As with many events during the COVID-19 situation, the conference allowed the opportunity for experts, speakers and attendees to join together in person or online to contribute from local, state and international perspectives.

Some significant highlights for us included:

  • the chance to catch up with many of our south coast clients
  • learning about their work current practices and future directions, and how Gaia Resources can help
  • the potential use of Phytophthora Dieback management practices in other industries, e.g. in managing other soil-borne diseases
  • seeing how management goals have shifted over the years in response to previous management outcomes

The best highlight for me was the field trip to the beautiful Wireless Hill Park for a demonstration of Phytophthora Dieback management practices.

Tilo Massenbauer or Tilomass Consulting discusses the dynamics of public behavioural change

A demonstration of sampling a Phytophthora Dieback infested plant specimen

Anigozanthos manglesii at Wireless Hill Park, Perth

Diuris corymbosa at Wireless Hill Park, Perth

If you’d like to know more about our work in this area, please drop me a line at tracey.cousens@archive.gaiaresources.com.au, or connect with us on TwitterLinkedIn or Facebook.


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