Welcome to the team!

This year promises to be an exciting one for Gaia Resources. We have many large projects underway and subsequently are focusing on sustainably growing our team. Within the past month, two new team members have started in our Brisbane office, while more recruits will start, company-wide, in the coming weeks.

As the company grows, it gives me pause to reflect on my start just a year and a half ago. It was around the beginning of the pandemic. Gaia Resources was operating fully remote, and onboarding was a week of video meetings introducing me to the staff and the Gaia way. Tania Ryan detailed the experience in her blog ‘Starting a new job during a Pandemic’. She highlighted the lengths the company went to provide a welcoming albeit virtual environment. 

Since then, we have embraced a flexible work environment where we balance work from home and office days (detailed in Mieke’s blog ‘Remote Flexible Work Pitfalls for Parents’). Onboarding directly reflects this with a mix of in-person and video meetings, allowing recruits to meet our whole team, now spread across five states/territories, as well as get in-person support. Flexible work arrangements are valued by all staff at Gaia Resources. However, there is nothing like tapping a coworker on the shoulder to ask a simple question when you’re new. 

Regardless of how we introduce new staff to our team, we always emphasise our company culture and espouse the values that we highlighted in our recent strategy week: Do the right thing, Be open, Be involved, Do what you said you would do, and Be there for each other. (See https://archive.gaiaresources.com.au/gaia-resources-annual-stratgey-week/). We are a company that doesn’t just pay lip service to what we think are good values. Instead, we put a large amount of effort into making them a reality. As such, Gaia Resources truly invests in their people and builds a culture of which we are all proud. And I think this is one reason why we continue to attract great talent. 

I wrote the above words before reaching out to our new team members to see why they chose to work at Gaia Resources, but it sounds like all of the above rings true. 

Meet Gordon Campbell and Sally Mitchell!

Hello, my name is Gordon Campbell a.k.a Minty Jones.

I hail from the shores of South West Scotland but have resided in Australia for 20 years. My love of programming started at nine years old and I started freelancing around 2001. Since then, I have earned qualifications in Graphic Design, Interactive Multimedia, and most recently, IT (Software Programming).

Aside from this, I have two children, am a keen musician, and have been a signwriter on the side for the last six years. Within Gaia Resources, I fill a Junior Software Engineer role working primarily within the behemoth that is known as ArchivesSpace. Having a family, especially a recent newborn, work/life balance is very important to me and Gaia offers a great degree of flexibility within their structure.

I decided to take this opportunity with Gaia as I believe that they provide a service that is concerned about the future of the planet, and I find this extremely refreshing. I’m proud that I can work with like-minded people trying to make this world a better place.

Hi, I’m Sally. I have been brought onboard to Gaia Resources as a Support Coordinator.

The thing that first interested me in Gaia Resources was the values and ethics. Gaia Resources works with companies to develop technological solutions to make the world a better place. This includes choosing projects and clients whose own work and values contribute positively to the world. It was this strong principle that made me look further into Gaia Resources.

Gaia Resources believes strongly in its culture and its employees and places a higher value on the relationships with their people than the money they bring into the company. It’s been such a welcoming and inclusive environment. I am only in my first month, but so far this is shaping up to be the best company that I have worked for. 

If you want to work with us or talk to a staff member about their experience, please get in touch! Reach out via email at info@gaiaresouces.com.au or connect with us on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn


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