MicroBlitz 2018 re-launch

I recently attended the re-launch of the MicroBlitz project, where the apps and website we re-built for them were one of the many highlights. This work was funded as one of last year’s Inspiring Australia Citizen Science projects.

After several months of planning, the new MicroBlitz apps and website were launched at the School of Isolated & Distance Education (SIDE). UWA Winthrop Professor Andy Whiteley, the MicroBlitz Project Director, had a chat to Nobel Laurette Professor Barry Marshall which was broadcast in real time to a few hundred SIDE students who tuned in to a very special science lesson. Listen out for the question-time at the end some great questions and entertaining answers!

UWA Professors Barry Marshall and Andy Whitely have a 'virtual' live chat at the School of Isolated & Distance Education livecast.

Deborah Bowie, MicroBlitz Project Manager, spoke to an attentive audience the following day at the first public meeting of the Western Australian chapter of the Australia Citizen Science Association (launched at the recent ACSA National Conference — you can read my report here). You can also follow ACSA-WA on their new Facebook page.

MicroBlitz Project Manager Deborah Bowie talks about the launch of the new website apps at the first ACSA-WA public event in Kings Park.

You can learn all about this fascinating project from the MicroBlitz web site and keep up-to-date with MicroBlitz events on their Facebook page. And then you can download the free apps for Apple iOS or Android where you can register to be a MicroBlitzer!

If you’d like to know more about how we can help you with developing a citizen science program, or how a smartphone app could improve your community engagement and scientific data capture, then please leave a comment below – or email me directly via alex.chapman@archive.gaiaresources.com.au.


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