Spring back to QGIS

Spring has brought some eager QGIS trainees to the fore, with two training courses run in as many months at our Leederville office and more scheduled in Bridgetown (WA) and Brisbane!


Raster processing is one of the areas we cover in our QGIS training course – find out more here.

As always these latest round of courses has garnered interest from all sorts of sectors including Natural Resource Management (NRM), Local Government/Shires, Department of Fire and Emergency Services and private consultants. This highlights the diverse application of GIS and the trend of it becoming mainstream for many environmental positions – and QGIS is the best free desktop GIS software available by a country kilometre.

The upcoming dates and locations are:

  • Bridgetown – 9th/10th of November, 2016 – this training is being run in conjunction with the Virtual Innovation Hub for capacity building in NRM. Priority is given to NRM practitioners – however if you are interested please get in touch and subject to availability you may be able to be accommodated.
  • Brisbane – Early 2017 (date and venue are still TBC). With our new Brisbane presence, we are offering all our solutions via this local presence, so please get in touch via the details below to register your interest.

If you are interested in some QGIS training either give me a call directly on (08) 9227 7309, email me at james@archive.gaiaresources.com.au or feel free to leave us a note on FacebookTwitter or LinkedIn!


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